✚ 𖦹﹕beryl ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა · 3 answers · 15d

can someone give me a REALLY DETAILED recap of what's been happing w/ herb bc all i know is they're kinda weird?? (idk herbs pronouns, I didn't mean to misgender if I have!!)

ME ME ME !!!
basically the og herb thing started with him calling himself a f*mb*y (which is a slur against transfems iirc) which caused multiple ppl to call him out and then he sort of went manic

the og thing that brought this up was him talking about some awful did / osdd thing for one of his characters iirc idk I forgot

after everyone hated him he deleted his 1st account , before moving to his next one

on his 1st account he made some .. odd comments , saying he was "going to turn transphobic" and calling transfems "greedy"

his 2nd account gets filled with hate comments which causes him to delete it

he currently has a 3rd account I think ? but nobody knows the user

timeskip to the present day and he's .. really weird on anon ?
ive read some of the things he's said to my oomf / other ppl and all of them r him constantly deflecting any criticism / him lying and contradicting himself multiple times

sorry if any of this is inaccurate its all i can remember rn

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