Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous nebula · 2mo

do you like the troupe of blind dates (idk if that's how you say cita a ciegas in english)? Bc what if S4p gets dr4@m in one with gn4, but later he gets feelings and he thinks he's jealous of dr4@m but actually he wants both which makes him feel he'll never get a chance but gn4 likes him too and wants to court him too and Dr4@m loves both even if he's a bit more oblivious at first

Yooooo, that's such a fun idea. And maybe like, he's so nervous to say anything cause he technically set them up and he doesn't want to be a homewreacker and like yeahhhh

Dr43m at first feels when they first start dating that he might be neglected but they assuage those worries immediately and ifuduej they'd be so sweet

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