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anon · 5mo

(anon that likes to gossip here) To add to the Faranak discourse: Something that always felt wrong to me was that part of Kaveh's Hangout where Zaha Hadi was talking about how much his mother sacrificed for him to then asked him if he resented her for leaving(? That always made me suspicious because if she were to leave when he was an adult, like we all believed, that question would have made no sense...And it was kind of shady of Zaha Hadi (and genshin) to literally guilt trip Kaveh and then go "Oh , are You mad at her?🥲" Like, wtf, of course Kaveh would go "No, she sacrificed so much to raise me"...Boy, that's your mother, she HAD to take care of you 🥲 So yeah, I agree on Kaveh not thinking of her as family lol the other anon (and you) are right

hello hello gossip anon, no i genuinely forgot about fuckass zaha hadi's guilt tripling till you brought it up😭 like it's genuinely weird how he's expected to feel like she did a lot for him when she just did like- what she had to? As a mother? She didnt do anything beyond the bare minimum

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