Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

mint · 6mo

now that all the IT’s designs are finished, is there any universe-specific member dynamics you’d like to highlight? both positive and mayb even negative? i’m interested to hear some of the thoughta wriggling around in ur head about how some of these alternate versions would interact

oh for sure! i think i can describe a few~

souji's yukiko and naoto: i think these two would play off of eachother really well as kind of a comedy duo. naoto understands yukiko's jokes but approaches it from the most analytical angle possible, breaking them down completely or coming up with the most obscure, funniest answer to her whimsical prompts (that nobody else gets because it flies over all of their heads, but she understands). i also think that it's a relationship that shows off that s!naoto is softer and relaxed than he seems and that s!yukiko is a lot more clever too - humor tends to be downplayed as dumb when often times there's a lot of nuance that comes into making something truly funny. there's something to be said about the boy who's seen as a robot because he appears to only operate via logic + girl who's seen as stupid because she dares to be loud and happy.

kousuke's kanji and yosuke: i've played with these two once in a post awhile back, but i think k!yosuke being attention-seeking and k!kanji being impulsivity leads to a very chaotic duo that's fun to watch. insane ideas nobody else would consider are fully on the table, and it's like a feedback loop of ... well.... bro-ness? i guess? they make eachother feel super great, but they also enable eachothers flaws too much... which is something that i think would be realized by people outside of that duo and something they would struggle to address themselves. it's like how you never want to bring up a problem with your friend with the worry it'll drive you two apart. their separate character arcs coming together to help improve their friendship.... yippee!

hayato's rise and chie: i think these two would really clash initially since h!chie is someone who doesn't trust others easily + is very contained within her own group (meaning that outsiders, or freshly integrated members of the IT are suspicious to her) and rise loves to provoke others and play with their feelings. kind of like a "you think nobody catches onto your little tricks, but i do!" accusatory thing going on. rise acts like chie being hostile to her means nothing to her, but it starts to get to her when she genuinely gets attached to the team and she's being treated like she's not capable of change - she knows that she's done nothing to garner chie's trust though, and unlike hayato who doesn't care about rise's manipulation (given he has no higher ground to stand on), chie holds grudges. i do think though chie would witness how (esp walking in on rise's convos with inoue) rise is as cunning as she is out of necessity, she's had to hurt others her entire life to protect herself - because nobody else cared enough to defend her on their own. when they do work out their issues, i think chie is doubly as fierce protecting rise because of that epiphany.

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