Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

from the midnight channel... · 5mo

Hello! Hope you're doing well!!

And, personally, i would be receptive to that idea!! Re: talking about the banchoverse in small tweets

2nd, Abdjbdjfj HAYATO!!!!!!! I love him!!!!

3rd, that reminds me, I have a wip for H!Chie and H!Yukiko but like their shadow selves! Im currently working on the lineart for it but I though I would mention it to you! Also i might do two versions? One woth Yukiko original shadow outfit and maybe a different one for yukiko? I dunno yet

Have a great day!

thank you so much for the well wishes + thanks for letting me know!!! im excited to see your shadow h!chie and yukiko :3c

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