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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒖𝒑?


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𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 8d

How does it feel being a stupid cunt then?

rokstar69 Β· 11d

How do you feel about the faye? ... And what they're going to do to you...

they prefer 'the fair folk'. id worry more about myself than someone i got rejected by and am intent on /trying/ to annoy.

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 24d

Holy fuck I wish the dude writing fake-deep introspections and insults in your inbox knew how fucking embarrassing it is to witness all of that back and forth cuz oh my god. Please get a life and get out of here so Niven can answer some REAL questions. For example: DO you wear wigs? WHEN will you wear wigs

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 26d

would you rather have small dicks grow from ur ear twice a day at random intervals OR would you rather involuntarily sing the national anthem at 8am sharp every day.

ok there r layers to this. how big are the dicks? like ear sized? smaller? actual size? and how loud am i singing the national anthem? i need more information on this.

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 27d

Oh sorry, form of a question right? God you are so lucky to have been with me for a moment. Literally the high point of your stupid life

'im a rock star! waaaah waaaaahhh why dont you want me!' lmfaooo man come on. do something actually productive with your time instead of wasting it in my inbox because i assure you, all ur doing is providing me with entertainment.

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 27d

Sometimes I wish I was as dumb as you. Life would be much easier. But for you it's still hard, because you're incomprehensibley dumb

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 27d

We could have been an awesome team but instead you literally chose violence. Hitting, beating, destruction of property etc.


yes the 5'2 weighs 100 pounds soaking wet person beat up the 6'5 broad shouldered dude. please be serious. u actively hit me in the face for zero reason on multiple occasions, ending in literally bashing in the hood of my car because... i wanted to go home? because u were being violent? its insane how much you have deluded the truth in your head. please seek help.

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 27d

I wish itd been different in that I wish when you fell down the stairs and cracked your head you actually died instead of just suffering permanent brain damage which clearly affected every decision post injury. And that weepy fuck under this comment is NOT me. I would never be that fucking sycophantically sentimental... How embarrassing. This whole question and answer stroke my ego thing is so fucking embarrassing. Youre not just a bad person Niv, youve committed an even WORSE sin.... Being boring.

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 28d

Were you always trying to escape me? Maybe you always knew better

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 28d

That being said, I do predict you'll hit me up briefly around Dec. of this year. Hahaha... Who gives a fuck though really. 🍻

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 28d

Yeah anger too great a burden to bear or whatever mlk said. Sure do wish the circumstances of our path's crossing had been different. Although maybe that would have been impossible and everything happens for a reason blah blah . Ce la vie , so it goes right

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 30d

How ever you choose to spin it to sleep at night is on you. I've let it all go .. choosing the high road this one. You'll be the undoer of your happiness in the end. You're not worth my time as fun a passing distraction as it may be ... Strange that I ever thought you were.

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 1mo

I’m glad that you exist :) you bring much needed warmth into a world where kindness is needed :D

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 1mo

This is what you get when you fuck with people thinking there are no consequences. I'm the good guy in this

mhm mhm. i hear ya man. good people generally dont fat shame, spew abelistic garbage, and 'attempt' to torture someone in some sort of skewed way of self vindication for being rejected tho. js

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏 Β· 1mo

If you truly feel no remorse then rest assured, apart from generally killing it, I will always find a subtle and completely legal way to make your life harder. Sort of like an itch you can't scratch. And I'll enjoy it. unlike you I'm a really creative person... this could go on for decades..who knows.

have fun my man. sort of a weird hobby but u do u. i cannot stress enough how little i care. fortunately i have a very full life, unlike you it seems.

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