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jian · 11d


Anonymous Coward · 2mo

neko 🐱💭

i missed you so much!! neko is really a trustworthy friend. someone you can talk for hours and never get bored at all. one thing for sure about neko is that he's the type of friend that never forgets about you and will be there for you even if it has been been a while now since you last some spent time with him 😸

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

ravi thoughts?

kuya ravi is a kuya material type of friend! at first, i was really shy pa around you even though i was looking forward to meet you. you're easy to get a long with, especially since we've played plato together (lalo na you taught me how to get better sa archery) and have talked about anime! oh, and thank you for adopting me din 😆

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

how was your day?

sorry for the late response, anon. yesterday was alright, although a little boring since i had nothing to do but i took it as an opportunity to rest instead

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

are there any mutuals na you'd like to be closer to?

there's a lot to name but i do hope i'll get the chance to be closer with my mutuals. i've only interacted with a few at most since my shyness gets the best of me 😅

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

what do you usually do to beat the heat?

i take ice cold showers and drink lots of cold drinks to help myself feel refreshed and hydrated. and as much as possible, i stay indoors, preferably at home 😆

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

wyn thoughts?

she's a very bright and warm person whom i easily got along with! talking to her is so easy as if we've known each other for a long time 🙂‍↕️ oh, and she's also my genshin buddy too! (she's so awesome to play with)

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hello, quinn! i hope this day treats you well. 💛

thank you, anon! 😊 and likewise, i hope tuesday will be kind to you. don't forget to stay hydrated!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

santi thoughts?

MY BEST FRIEND. santi and i go way back to our childhood and we've been inseperable since then. he is one hell of an amazing writer too. he has so much talent and he is such a selfless person. he deserves all the happiness in the world. santi's the first person i'd run to because i know he'll always have my back and i'm pretty sure he knows i'll always have his back as well 🙂‍↕️ i'm forever grateful for the friendship we both share

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

is there a movie or a series that you watched recently that you'd like to recommend?

i haven't watched any new movies lately but i recommend my personal favorite movie narnia! and as for the series, i've recently watched this animated series called kaiju no.8 on netflix. if you're an anime lover, i think you'll like it since it's an on-going series right now 😊

belouvaya · 2mo

belouvaya 💭

my ate aya. she's like a sister to me, considering how close we've become and how long we've known each other since her brother is my childhood best friend. ate aya is the type of person that wears her heart out of her sleeve that's why i hope people won't take her kindness for granted and that she is treated with utmost gentleness and sincerity 🫶

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

quinn b1 thoughts!

hello quinn b1 😁 upon first impression, i thought you were kind of nonchalant (HAHAHA) but as we spoke over on dms, i realized how far that first impression was since you're a very easy to get a long with (plus, your humor is really funny too 😆)

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

jd tots 😁

my eldest brother! kuya jd's the sweetest and most thoughtful one out of the three of us. he spoils me a lot and constantly looks out for kuya max and i. he deserves all the good things and i hope nobody will take his good heart for granted. even though ako yung bunso, i will be kuya's protector 😾

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

matcha or coffee?

can i choose both? 😆 it's so hard to pick one since i both love matcha and coffee

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