pop the bubble! 🫧 · 1y

If life is all about searching what's love for us, then why is it hurt most of the time

God it the kind who loves surprises, darling, i supposed

something that i always remember for what my dear mother once told me. God is a lover, a protector, a darling—to me, and i always want to understand that everything happens for good reasons. that's why karma is so dear to me, which i expect it to come; maybe as a lesson, or as a farewell, as a new family, as a hand that pulls me out of the dark

however, future is not in my hand to see. there will always be things that out of my reach, and most of the time, it wasn't on me. it is just... the way this world wants to dwell me in their lessons

and it is not always good either. they may held me with hands, we danced through the whole night—and some other time, it stabbed a blade on my throat. that's why surprises are the thing i wish everyone taught me on my earlier day. but i hope you could handle it, love. we all do, and so do you

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