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親愛な. · 3d

haappy sundaaay reign >___< messages hari ini lewat retrospring dulu because there are several problems dan salah satunya akun love-botku SUSPENDED... ☹️💔 anyways got any plans for today?

Hey, thank you so much dearest anon. Aah, that’s why followingku berkurang satu 😅 so, is there any platforms of yours i can contact? Coincidentally, there’s something i want to tell you but i don’t think it’s appropriate to say it here... I’m really really sorry beforehand. I hope you have a great day ahead. 🤍

親愛な. · 10d

kamu kok lucu banget sih... but my answer is absolutely 0 OUT OF 10!!!!! sorry i'm too shy to show up and approach you (please bear with me) so i'm just gonna be your secret admirer... is that okay, mimi? 😿

Oi, look at yourself anon kamu juga lucu banget tau. Ah iya paham kok, it's totally fine but hey you were brave enough to express your feelings towards me and i really appreciate that. Wah, boleh banget! It’s such a honor for me to have a cute secret admirer like you. ✋🏻 Btw... Mimi... It’s such a cute nickname... Thank you... (And sorry for the tardy response)

親愛な. · 11d

i'm not 😸 aku sedikit cerita aja boleh ya? jadi, your tweets happened to appears on my timeline so i stalked your account (i'm sorry for that). and i don't know why... i just... find you attractive... 🙈 AH MALU BANGET... intinya gitu aja deh, aku tidak mau oversharing! oh ya, i love your arts by the way :3

Ah, so that’s how it is ya... Thank you so much, dearest anon. I’ll take that as a compliment! By the way, on a scale from 1 to 10 how likely you would be to show up? (I’m just curious, you dont have to answer this if you feel dont like it.) Wah... Sekali lagi makasih banyak ya. Jadi terharu deh. :’(

親愛な. · 11d

well first, i'm so sorry if it perhaps bothers you :[ anyways thank you for answering my impulsive question... i just can't help it but now i know! sekali lagi terima kasih ya 💞 (btw ini beneran kok, enggak ada yang iseng hehe).

No, it’s totally okay! No need to say sorry, anon ;) And if i may ask, are you perhaps one of my followers or...?

親愛な. · 11d

hi... sorry for sending this all of sudden but do you currently set your eyes on someone?

Hah kaget... But i don’t set my eyes on anyone in particular right now, anon. Hope it helps. ;)

親愛な. · 1mo

Do your friends know much about your hobbies?

親愛な. · 1mo

Have you ever pet a bnuuy?

Bnuuy... Yes... I’ve kept several bnnuys when i was still 🤏🏻 tapi sekarang ngasuhnya kucing...

親愛な. · 1mo

What is your dream job?

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