Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

i know you're probably not active on here, but i just want to drop by and say your fics changed me as a person. im not someone who usually reads angst, but your fics are genuinely so comforting. i see bits and pieces of myself in your characters, and i think that's what makes me cherish them so much. you don't shy away from showing things exactly as they are, and it make me feel emotions i cant even name. im so grateful you decided to share your writing with us, i really cant thank you enough.

ahhhh i'm so happy to hear this, i'm glad they can be comforting somehow! i'm always worried that my writing is too dark and hopeless so this is always nice to hear. thank you so much for this, i hope you're doing well! <3

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