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little bug ♡ · 4mo

I'm the anon with no creativity again

Yeaah, I can feel that tbh. I tend to be a very confident person but sometimes when I'm really low I compare myself in a lot of different parts of life. Job, studies, even my hobbies aren't safe, which sucks cause they should be primarily about having fun, yet here we are... sometimes it gets bad to the point that instead of wondering if I'm wasting my potential I start questioning if I even have any potential to begin with. What helps me is, as you said, think about circumstances or difference in our experiences. I can't really expect myself to be as good as someone who's been doing something for years when I started just last year. It also helps that seemingly everyone feels like that for some degree. If even that amazing person doesn't feel enough, surely it's okay for me to feel the same sometimes, no?

I guess in the end we just have to keep going and hope that one day we will be able to look behind and think "look how far we got". We're all a little bit lost here I think...

I agree with your conclusion on this, it sucks so bad that we all feel those insecurities but it is what it is. I'm just bummed that lately they have been hitting me much harder than usual, I just feel like I can't do anything successfully but that too shall pass.

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