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Anonymous Coward · 27d

what's your favourite time of day / a time of day you look forward to?

is it really boring if i say sunset... apart from that i enjoy when i can be silly on my phone in bed

Anonymous Coward · 27d

Hope you’re having a good night!
Do you have a favorite scents? Like for perfume or lotion?

ooh i'm not a big perfume connoisseur, but i love blueberry body scrub and lavender lotion!!

Anonymous Coward · 27d

what's a non kpop song you've loved for a really long time?

Anonymous Coward · 28d

hello!! what's the last movie you watched that you loved?

hmmm off the top of my head it would probably be just like heaven!! it's a classic 00s romcom with an interesting premise and the leads have great chemistry, what more could you want

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Is the Gaza fic raffle open to any k-pop fandom? I just stumbled into your tweet, not sure if it's too late

oh my goodness i am so sorry i didn't check this earlier - it is an svt focused raffle, as you may have seen

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

they really said "we're doing this for nj seokmin_liker"

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

i need to study seokgyu in a lab. the only possible conclusion is a deep and abiding love but that thick layer of teasing on top... just... on a zipline!! together!!!

they do drive me crazy like. why do you need to ride the zipline together. why you two specifically

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

it's so nice to see you on the timeline again!!! don't blame you for stepping back at all just wanted to say you were missed <3 also how are we feeling about this https://x.com/qtdkyeoms/status/1755186690271092806

ahhh thank you my lovely!! it's not so much that i deliberately stepped back from twitter, more life getting in the way ;; and i feel Sooo normal about that clip. especially given that both of them have a documented fear of heights. interesting indeed.......

pebby · 5mo

hello i love you if you could see seokmin in any musical which would it be any why thank you goodbye i love you

i think jenna once gave me the brainworm of dk fiyero (from wicked) and it has haunted me ever since

Anonymous Coward · 2y

everytime i listen to jinki's blue i feel like i'm slowly exiting my body. i want him to sing it live so badly

I KNOWWWW searching 'onew blue live' on youtube and not getting what i was hoping for was Hugely disappointing. blue is actually sooooo so good like. i actually think it's quite rare to find a ballad that is so genuinely melancholic-sounding like blue is but it's so perfect and of course jinki sings it so so so well!!! it suits his voice perfectly and he has just the right intensity of sound for it he's so perfect. i also think the instrumentation Slaps like it's just Such a good song. i usually hate the whole "main vocalist solo debut = ballad" idea but this one genuinely worked which is why i love it so so so much

Anonymous Coward · 2y

ever think about minkey domesticity and then about how they also harmonise on stage and then about them individually and then

Anonymous Coward · 2y

do you mean in terms of who i think would be best in terms of lines or in terms of like mv storylines? because i would LOVE to hear deekay do hui's parts, seungkwan would slay as hyuna, and soonyoung would make dawn's lines really interesting tonally. in terms of 365 fresh mv storyline, however...... well. seoksoon hyundawn just makes sense to me

Anonymous Coward · 2y

oh i do think you should because the main trio is so Seokgyuhao ❤

(this was in relation to castlevania) well when you put it like THAT... we'll see

Anonymous Coward · 2y

do you happen to know where i can find the seokhao video from the svt dream concert 2019 live where dk is staring at minghao and minghao catches him and smiles and dk gets flustered 🥲

dude i wish i knew... i don't know what this video is but dear god i want to

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