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anon 👾 · 5mo

(last anon again,,,) ah i feel that. whenever i'm writing pairings there's always that one that comes a little more naturally to me and then the one where im staring at the page wishing they would show up write themselves lol T . T

your minho is always fantastic though!! not lackluster in the slightest i love that peculiar man and how you capture him lmao
but that brings me to!! (you will never guess) another pick at your writing brain!!! you always write their dialogue so naturally and i was curious if you base some of it off specific clips or if its all just inspiration of how you think they would talk by the dynamic of the idiots' banter

it's not that I hesitate to write from mh's pov (his bday fic is his pov ad i... wrote it in 21 days... many thousands of words), it's more that I have to really Think about his character whereas with js I feel like it just flows more naturally out of me!

omg anon... I have the worst memory known to humankind... so I, most of the time, cannot recall for shit the things they've said 😭 it's all just inspiration and then some rare times a sprinkle of smth they've said irl if ive seen a clip of that recently... I'm so glad it sounds natural to you, nobody ever told me that 😭😭😭😭 thank yew... 🫶

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