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Anonymous doodler · 29d


Anonymous doodler · 2mo

not a question or a request but im so glad we’re oomfs seeing your art makes me so happy and i love your sense of humor and how kind you are 🫶

Im literally going to cry, this is the sweetest thing I've ever received ?!! Thank you so much, I’m so so so happy that you enjoy my art and think so kindly of me TT💗 I’d love to know who this is so I can return a proper thank you !! :-3 💗💗💗

Anonymous doodler · 6mo

parky cqn you please draw rui pelase parker please draw rui can you draw him as a clown can you draw clown rui pelafe parker ineed him,,/.

Anonymous doodler · 3mo

booo april fool music video.. anything about it at all whatsoever…. pretty please with cherry on top!

Anonymous doodler · 3mo

what do you think of touya, samo-chan? (minotouya bffs PLEASE)

Anonymous doodler · 3mo

youre so cool samo-chan! you deserve all the treats! can u draw your owner giving you your favorite food?

Anonymous doodler · 3mo

Samo-chan can you draw mmj at totas funeral please

Anonymous doodler · 4mo

I really liked your reading I came across! I probably already said that though… but yeee keep up the good work! Just don’t pressure and force yourself to if you can’t snfnendnw 😭 hopefully we can be moots you seen rlly chill :’)

You seem very kind! I can’t say I entirely understand what you meant by my reading, but I appreciate the gesture nonetheless! Be sure to take care of yourself as well ❤️

El · 4mo

MEOWMOEMOWEMOEWMOWMEOWMOEMMEOW(telepaphically communicating with you to draw Akito as a really ugly cat)

Anonymous doodler · 4mo

am i tweaking or wasn’t your fav vbs ship akikoha? /nm

I state it a lot, but I am a multishipper! I kind of shift around with the primary pairings I draw, but please know Akikoha is still super important to me! I love exploring polysquad’s different dynamics, as well as pairings outside of VBS. I’ve been a tad but fixated on akitoya recently !!! Their dynamic is really nice !!!!!

Anonymous doodler · 4mo

Who’s your favorite IDV hunter? Ö

By appearance & lore my favs are grace and an (proud halberd of silence owner), but for play style i main ithaqua and michiko! o7

Anonymous doodler · 4mo

i think you should draw akito in a dress theres not enough dresskito

seth · 4mo

comment SMILES
does means that retrospring--

Anonymous doodler · 4mo

do you have any thoughts on prsk charas in the houseki no kuni universe .

I wish I could say, but I haven’t gotten into that media.. I have seen a lot of sekai x houseki no kuni aus recently though, and the outfits look really cool !! i’m afraid I can’t really comment on it beyond that. Would love to draw vbs in the uniforms sometime !!!!

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