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Anon · 19d

ur takes about f/f and yuri in fandom lack a feminist understanding about how women are viewed by people, u treat rape in yaoi as something trivial, meanwhile they believe the complete opposite of u n is in friendship with feminist lesbians and transbians, a lot of people that follow them hate ur type /fujos/ n u follow terfs

Anon · 21d

did u and abby break up

Anon · 20d

can’t belive u and misteryurifag are mutuals, they are so cool n a feminist and u are basically a libfem

We are not "mutuals" you logger-headed faggot they are one of my closest friends in the world and I assure you that if our ideologies in things as serious as feminism clashed we would not be friends. You people's obsession with our friendship is insane this is the millionth time Just let it GO

Anon · 24d

you could stand to say something about the fujo "discourse" miss yaoisex

Anon · 27d

How is your name pronounced?

Benny · 1mo

what are your favorite fling posse songs!!!!!

STELLA NUMBER ONE ON TOP and Pink-colored Love second. I love Shibuya Marble Texture and Scenario Liar too!!

Anon · 1mo

How are you doing today

Anon · 1mo

Tell me what mangas/manhwas do you like to read and what animes do you watch? I'm waiting for you to write a book and launch it, see. Reading is wonderful, I believe writing is also wonderful, for those who have the gift and like to express something. What type of literary genre do you like to write?

A BOOK...That's so sweet 😭😭💞Now I feel bad because I just write fanfiction haha...I haven't read or watched anything new in a while but my all time favourite is Akayona. I recommend it strongly!! What about you?!

Anon · 1mo

Do you intend to travel to a country in the future that you want? When it comes to traveling I would like to travel to cold countries, such as Switzerland, Canada, Finland

I want to travel to East Asia soon!! Especially with my gayboyfriend since he's from Taiwan lol. I'd love to visit Northern Europe though, definitely in my bucket list

Anon · 1mo

Of course I'm a real person. Why would not it be? 😳😳😳😳 lol. I'm glad you liked the message. Well, I'm going to start asking something that might be invasive for some people, so I'm sorry, but feel free to answer however you want. What do you like to do in your spare time? In my free time I like to play games, read books (mainly mangas and manhwas), watch tv shows, movies and anime and listen to music.

Oh, oh my goodness. You are a sweetie pie, aren't you...Well, I like to do the same things more or less!! If I can help it I don't spend my free time in my room and prefer to go out so most things I do in my free time involve my friends. We often go drinking and have game nights or just go to a cafe and relax while I play my games or read stuff. I like going out by myself too, it gives me more freedom and a chance to charge up my social battery. Writing is probably my most enjoyed hobby though...I love writing.

Hope you're having a day as wonderful as you!!

Anon · 1mo

you seem like you would be annoying but you're actually really sweet it throws me off

Well this is certainly a message for sure 😭 Thank you I'm glad I was able to fix your first impression of me. I'm really just a regular ass person

Anon · 1mo

belobog quest this week queen? 👀

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