Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Silly ε: · 8mo

What's a band color you'd want to see work for any new bands? Ex red gyro blue argo

aaaaand here i die. im very unsure!!! a deep, dark indigo, would seriously be so cool maybe...?
however, in all honesty and taking the question to another side, i don't think im really into the idea of adding a new band...
and in all honesty, very honest, even now im kinda freaked out by stst's existence, they're like they belong here and they don't here at the same time?
which is odd because yes they're so cool and everything, yet i can't still seem to process their presence...
maybe it's a bias because back in 2021-2022 i didn't Really Like At All getting a new band and would back away from any conversations that involved "guys what if we got a new band!"
i really wanted to stst to NOT be rock though

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