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cas · 16 answers · 6d

qotd umm whats ur fav scent :3 if one of u say some edgy ass thing like “heh.. blood..” i’ll actually die pls be normal💜

i really like burning wood NOT HECAUSE IM TRYING TO BE EDGY but because its just nice and nostalgic 2 me tee bee ayech

heh.... blood....... ok now wait im joking put down the tomatoes it has to be any flower bc they just smell so beatiful #natureisbeatiful

I have this specific deodorant that says santal & vetiver and it smells super good so um. that

BURBERRY HER CLASSIC. LITERALLY ONE OF MH ULTIMATE FAVOURITES or royal essence / delina from parfum de marly.. both of which i own

looks around.. vampire blood 😭😭 its a b&b scent and actually smells rlly good despite the name. its a very fruity scent with jasmine and plum, i think its yummy 😋

I really like how it smells in churches, no idea how to describe it in other words 💔 I think it's like myrrh and something else but I'm not sure what

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