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𐑭⠀🍊。 Ajax · 4 answers · 1mo

〚 ᯽ 〛 ❛❛ Untimely QOTD — VI. ❜❜
   It's very cold here... [Shivers]. However, I did pretty well on my exam today. I also saw people's Spotify wraps being released so, I have questions prepared.
⠀⠀i.) Who was your top artist? Or whatever... Just talk about your Spotify wrapped, if you use it. Otherwise, just say what song or which artist have you been listening to a lot recently!
⠀⠀ii.) Did you have a favorite toy as a kid? If so, what kind of toy was it? "Toy" includes plushies, action figures, blocks, etc.

top artisit was ghost :D
andddd my childhood toy was a leapfrog 'my pal scout' plushie thing :D

  1. I am in the top 0.01% of OMORI 😭😭😭😭 I'm cooked

  2. My .. M 😭😭 my 😭😭😭 my Heliodor carbuncle FFXIV plush 😭😭

i — mitski. again.. i had the same top artists in the same order except it was tyler instead of idkhow.
ii — LEAPFROG LAPTOP THING. fucking loved that mf

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