Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

fish · 4mo

All they did was ask if you’re going to work on luberto again or not, which is the reason MOST people followed you. It’s a valid question, and your rude, disgusting rant was completely uncalled for. Check your fucking ego and consider quitting if a simple question about your art is enough to send you off the rails. No art is good enough to warrant a nasty, egotistical artist.

no their message was needlessly passive aggressive and the attitude they wrote it with was childish and ugly and i was well within reason using their message as an opportunity to, ONCE AGAIN, highlight why i haven't been drawing them. it isn't at all egotistical to defend my right to draw anything other than them when, like i said, my headspace is too miserable to force myself to draw them and i've had to address this multiple times recently.

i have been drawing them consistently for over a YEAR, they have plenty of work from me to proccupy their mind with for the time being. they could have worded their message in a more respectful manner and they would've received a response of equal respect, as i have given to other people who have asked me the same thing without acting like i'm taking something they're owed away

you speak with respect and you are spoken to with respect in turn. they don't get to have a little hissy fit over not getting the candy they want and then point the finger when mom makes them feel embarrassed infront of the fucking cashier

you need to grow up and so does anyone else wanting to act like i'm depriving them of something when we're talking about pixar fish porn

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