anon · 6mo

Hi! I asked for Reds permission before this but I would like to ask if it would be okay for me using the "thumbnail" lineart you did for your FFDH piece in a physical copy of FFDH? I think it would look beautiful in a book but it's completely up to you since I understand that not a lot of people would like their art printed like that :) Like I said to Red it would only be for personal use but it felt right to ask anyway, honestly the art was what gave me the idea to bind it in the first place ♡ but absolutely no pressure on your part, thanks!

MY DUDE MY MAN IM SO SORRY FOR NOT RESPONDING SOONER i remember seeing your ask at work and going "yeah i can respond to this after work" and then I DIDNT and I'm SO SORRY.

BUT YES!! as long as red is okay with it, I am totally fine with that thumbnail art being printed! (you should send me a pic when you get it printed (if you are comfortable with that), I'd love to see it!

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