૮ Ꮚ◞ ˔ ◟Ꮚა ⠀ puddin · 15d


THANK YOU SO MUCH I THINK UR THEMES R SO CUTESY TOO . gonna bite u In three (3) seconds watch out. 3..2…

[🌊] — ㅤAccording to NZ date format, me and my boyfriend started dating on 9.11
[🫧] — ㅤRodya . Her motivations, her drive to be something more, all seem like fictional reflections of me. The fact that she is inherently selfish, but still a lighthearted and kind person is also inspiring to me to an extent.
[🪼] — ㅤThis may be obvious to everyone here who follows me for rentry trading and the like , but, i also rather enjoy collecting urls ! Some of my favourites are currently being displayed here

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