Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 9mo

Just wanted to say that your art, alongside a friend, are the reason why I accepted that I'm a proship/profic after all ^^
Your art in itself is so appealing to me, so well done, cute yet has that little problematic side that I enjoy
I specially like the Lustsick set of images that someone talked about before me :>
Only one more thing!
You're so goddamn cute, dear artist ^^
Hope to see more of both your art and irl pics in the future
Maybe also talk with you or be moots in the future, once I personalize my account completely c:
Well... Bye, Bye!
Hope you're having sweet dreams and that you feel so much better soon!

Thank you for the sweet message! I hope this is ok to post.
I'm happy everyone seems to like my appearance ^//^ I've got to get sexier
You're always welcome to reach out and chat with me im always lonely ;w;

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