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Little fairy · 4d

Hi Percy, I'm not Gojo but can I shoot my shot with you?

Sorry for finding this funny... pft, no, you can't if you're not Satoru. I'm kidding. Only if you show up then perhaps...?

Anaya. · 6d

Hello, Percy! Kalau boleh kepo, kamu udah berapa lama suka menggambar?

Hello, Anaya. Seingat saya sudah dari kecil, tapi saya bukan orang yang bisa konsisten dengan hobi, baru-baru ini rutin menggambar lagi.

𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑂𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑎 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒. · 6d

percy-san, kalo disuruh pilih antara guling atau selimut. mau pilih apa?

I T O ! · 15d

KAK SUS, semangat ya cari fwanya I hope you find someone nicely for you :3 Thank you sudah bikin aku jadi anak kecil terus (so hampy to have you around me!)

Terima kasih semangatnya, adek. Kamu memang masih lucu kayak anak kecil. Sini kakak kunyah dulu.

Little fairy · 15d

Saya bub dulu kalau gitu ya?

Aduh hahaha. Iya, boleh, silakan bub saya dulu sementara tapi jangan selamanya ya...

Little fairy · 15d

Regarding the fwa, do you use Discord, by any chance?

If you wish to meet on Discord, so be it. I will try to accommodate to your comfort.

Little fairy · 15d

hi, may i know your type?

Gojo Satoru.

While that is true, I don't have many requirements to click with someone. I'd be happy to adapt and learn as long as the other party is also willing to do the same. Though, there is one criteria that must be met: have a good understanding of what if means to communicate.

Little fairy · 15d

Bener boleh? But I'm too shy.

Don't cry, don't be shy. Ya beneran, boleh. We can pretend we haven't know each other if that helps you feel better.

Little fairy · 15d

Terus kalau gambar paling bahagia, apakah pernah? Cerita dong, Percy!

Ini mungkin gambar paling ngga serius tapi dulu saya pernah frustasi satu grup selama persiapan olimpiade, semua anggota sudah muak karena perubahan materi di akhir, jadi saya mulai coret-coret di papan tulis lalu teman-teman ikutan nimbrung, saya awalnya cuma iseng gambar menambahkan burungnya jadi naik vespa dan seterusnya, makin lama makin ngawur dan bikin ngakak.

Little fairy · 15d

Hi ini aku River (gak mau anon tapi gak punya retro so I will just state my name). Mau bertanya Percy, apakah kamu pernah menggambar gambar yang, dalam interpretasi pengalaman kamu, dapat terbilang paling sedih?

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