✿   Ace。    ⚤    Zura。  ✦    · 8 answers · 1mo

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i use like a school chromebook for this site, and im turning it so my dc is nobarasyuji oomfs add me but pls tell me who you are ++ it may take a while for me to accept

Hi! We are the timeline shenanigans or TBD (time balance department) system! We enjoy multiple games, just not anime!
But we are very kind towards people and don't really care about one of our oomf's enjoying other fandoms/games!
We will allow you to vent to us and we will be here if anything /srs

i mean i literally followed u yesterday but my disc is somesoup_prd so if you see that thats me

i'll add you when i get home if i haven't already !! mine is suicideenthusiast. with the period

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