Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Wave Chaser. · 11mo

Not oomf but you passed on my page and I think you caught my eyes at the first sight and I just want to say hi. So, hello there! And, well, honestly? I kind of want to be your friend but I haven't get the courage to do it, so I guess I'll be the admirer (if you okay with it, platonically, of course.) I'll catch you later soon, bye-bye!! - 🍁.

Hey... I didn't expect to have someone take notice of me and wish to be my friend. Sending a warm hello right back to you! I'm definitely up for a friendship! Feel free to greet me in person, I'd be happy to see you! (And if that is possible, catch me sooner, please!) Temenan yuk aku nggak gigit kok..

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