lia ♡

what is a #taegyu...? 💭

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lovely anon · 16d

thank uuu for reading my aus/fics <33 i appreciate you so much! ily2 anon i hope you're having a great day bc i just did by reading this retro u sent :) (and no, u didnt spam my retro hehe)

lovely anon · 16d

thank u so much for the updates you're the best <3333

lovely anon · 17d

LUV LUV LUV ur tegyv au! each update has me at the edge of my seat and I am so grateful that you update as frequently as you do, I appreciate all the effort! the story is really amazing and I been really enjoying all of your characterization <333 can’t wait to see it to its end (though I will be terribly sad when it’s over :(((() please keep writing more in the future (if you want/can!) I will always be here to read along and support <333

thank you thank you so much, dear anon!! i'm glad you're enjoying this one :)) i'll try my best to give them the happiest ending <33

lovely anon · 17d

Sieun hate her so much... my poor beomie

lovely anon · 17d

TWEET 555 YEAH 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 thanks 4 today's update, hope ur feeling much better 💗

lovely anon · 17d

lia omg!! i just noticed the update and hshhhs :(( but thank you!! also don't mind those bad attitude reader ! there's more people who loves your au! MEE!! thank you again, love youuu 💗💗

lovely anon · 18d

for that anon... being disrespectful≠ criticism. hope this helps! :) you really could've said it in a nicer way.

lovely anon · 18d

hi anon thank u for understanding !! thank u for supporting this au right from the start <33 i hope you enjoy this until we reach the end !!

lovely anon · 18d

hello liaa, please ignore those negative comments (you slayed) im very very invested to your socmed aus and fics too!! they're just too good yk? i love angst so I don't mind the way you're putting them through rn (taegyu)
and for whoever's dropping those comments abt your au is bullshit. First of all, They're not the author. They're NOT asked to decide for the plot or whatever they're talking about. Please do know that we, your respectful readers, are always here to support you. We love you Liaa!!

heyya anon thank u !! i'll keep these in mind :") thank u for supporting me and my au!! lovelotsss <33

lovely anon · 18d

hi anonnn i appreciate the pqrts!! thank u so much for your words. i can't thank u enough for this long retro. this warms my heart a lot :) <3 thank you for enjoying my works and i hope you have an even more amazing day ahead <3

lovely anon · 19d

i love your socmed au 😭😭 please dont listen to that one anon, the au is great 💗 i hope that anon didnt take away the fun in making that au , just know that i’ll always be a reader eager for each update ❤️

lovely anon · 19d

hi anon, thank u so much for being brave enough to send me this retro. i appreciate u and ur feedback alot!! i hope u have fun with the next uds as well <33

lovely anon · 19d

Thank you for the update. I was so mad at that bitch. I can't wait for them to be good like before. It was painful to read this update but I trust in your good writing. I think that bitch really makes people mad and I saw some being mean to you but they shouldn't have done that. I trust in your story telling. We will wait for your update. - 🥐

hii 🥐 thank uu for reading !! i actually updated hehe i'll try to add a few more panels after responding to retros :)

lovely anon · 19d

Hope you know we all love your work and you are amazing! thank you for updating🩷i hope you can ignore the hate some people are just horrible don't let it get to u queen!!:( <3

lovely anon · 19d

hello to the anon who supposedly feels entitled to dictate how an author writes their au! hateful critique and negativity is not the constructive criticism you want it to be. it takes less than a second to close a tweet if you dont like the au that much.

LIA PLZ IGNORE THEM THEY ARE TASTELESS. i really appreciate all the hard work you put in this au, and i still enjoy every part of it. please keep on writing, i will literally pay you good money to never stop 🙏🙏 love you and all your works <33

i love u too anon. thank you for supporting this au. i'll do my best to make it fun for uu guys <33

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