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sweetie · 5mo

high school soushin!! or anything soushin really

(ohh hs soushin… since you didn’t specify the exact scenario i took my creative liberties with it)

tags: highschool au, fluff, friends to lovers

When Hiyori pulled on his ponytail and made him shriek like a distressed animal at 7 in the morning, Shin could already tell that his precious Friday wouldn’t be a good day.

“Hiyori-kun!” He lightly pushed the other boy’s arm away, applying no real pressure. Perhaps feeling lenient, his friend didn’t fight back.

“Shin, good moooorning!” With his hands now behind his back, Hiyori leaned forward to meet his favorite person’s shaky pupils — because as much as Shin loved his personal space, Hiyori managed to love it even more —, grinning like a satisfied cat.

Satisfied at what, Shin didn’t know. He had come to the realization that his best friend could be unpredictable long, long ago. “Morning.”

“What’s with that unenthusiastic response, huh?” Hiyori tilted his head to the side, analyzing his face for a brief moment (like he hadn’t already memorized every single pore in his face, Shin thought bittersweetly), but ultimately deciding not to comment further on it. “Well, it’s not like I care. Now, care to join me in a new adventure?”

The younger boy pointedly ignored the rude remark; he was used and nearly immune to his friend’s antics, at this point. “Adventure? We are not going to try to sell fake supplements to old ladies again, are we?”

“That was once, my dear Shin.” He had the audacity to scoff, like Shin was being the absurd one here — and Shin looked away from the sight, staring at the floor. Maybe he was. “Not to mention that, if you believe something hard enough, it might just become reality!”

“Uh huh.”

“Lacking hope as always, I see.” The older boy crossed his arms, humming. “Anyway, we really should get going. It’s hard to empty a classroom all by myself for your sake, y’know?”

Shin blinked at the choice of words. “Empty? How did you get the people to leave…?”

Hiyori simply smiled as he started to walk, pulling a very concerned boy along with him. “I have my ways.”

Shin chose not to question it.

They headed to the empty classroom in a matter of seconds, since Hiyori had dictated the pace, as usual. Shin supposed that he shouldn’t have been so surprised upon entering the place and realizing that, yes, it was empty as fuck.

In fact, there was a singular desk in the middle of it. A mere object ominously shined on top of it — scissors, Shin’s brain belatedly registered.

If the sound of a click and the closed doors were anything to go by, Shin was absolutely fucked and he should’ve definitely said a proper goodbye to his little sister before leaving the house that morning, and maybe fed his hamster some extra leftovers, or something.

…Something. Something was surely going to happen, judging by Hiyori’s stance and the way he approached him like a hunter.

“Shin. Do you see that thing over there?” His friend pointed to what were clearly the scissors. Shin wondered, for a moment, if he could just answer ‘no’ and maybe jump out of the nearest window.

“Yeah.” He mumbled, because he was a pathetically kind soul before a human being.

“Good! You must know what I’m about to do with them, then.”

Shin gulped.

“Y-You know, I’ve always loved y—”

“You seriously need a haircut, after all!” Hiyori unceremoniously grabbed the object, eyeing it with sparkling eyes — they were quickly back to the younger boy’s figure, though. “How has it gotten so long? You helpless little thing. Do you need me to do everything for you?”

Shin paused. “What?”

“C’mon! Let’s get this over with. Believe it or not, I don’t want to miss my Art class.” His friend sat on the table, beckoning to him with a small smile. He seemed to have a different idea, then, if his dramatic gasp could be trusted. “Why don’t you sit on my lap, actually?”


Hiyori playfully raised an eyebrow. “I like humans, not broken records.”

Shin wordlessly turned around and tried to open the door.

That fucker.

“Good try, Shin! You’re not escaping me anytime soon, so we might as well get comfortable here.” The freak calmly stated, as if he hadn’t just locked his anxious friend inside of a classroom with a pair of scissors in hand.

“…Don’t cut it too short.”

When he noticed that Shin was relenting so easily, Hiyori was — how did people say it, over the moon? He might have been over the entire fucking solar system as well. — …pleased.

He pulled his best friend closer to him like a ragdoll, not quite measuring his strength as he managed to place half of the boy’s body on his lap, half on the desk.

The older student hummed as he began to do his job, cutting small pieces of hair. “You should be heavier, I think.”

Shin groaned in response. “I guess.”

“Should I bring you bentos more often?” Hiyori asked, although his focus didn’t stray from the task at hand.

His friend had a small smile on his face after that, despite better judgment. “Nah… you always insist on feeding me. It’s embarrassing.”

Hiyori’s movements paused. Shin frowned at that.

The older boy slowly put the scissors down, not taking his eyes away from the other’s.

He touched his chin. Tilted Shin’s head upwards.

“You know what would be really embarrassing?”

Then, in spite of Shin’s extremely agitated demeanor and What The Fuck expression — plus pretty much every reason not to do it, truthfully — Hiyori leaned in for a kiss.

The younger boy’s eyes immediately widened, almost comically so, and all of the color drained from his face at the same time it appeared in it. It was complicated. Hiyori was too complicated. The hot feeling in his face was complicated.

He placed his hands on his best friend’s shoulders, swiftly pushing him back — the action shouldn’t have been so easy. Did Hiyori truly not expect him to do it?

Shin tried his best to keep calm and take a proper look at the older boy’s face, then.

The sight almost made him gasp.

Hiyori should’ve expected this outcome, therefore, it wasn’t the actual problem. The problem was that… Hiyori was unguarded.

Sou Hiyori was flustered. Blushing more than Shin, even.

“I think— I’ll be late for class. And I really love— the Renaissance, you know me.” The boy abruptly moved to stand up, leaving Shin speechless. His expression was nearly completely back to the colorless, neutral one he usually wore. “We’ll finish cutting your hair another time, alriiiight?”

Shin blinked, still feeling quite dazed. “W-Wait. You can’t just— you can’t just leave.”

Click. He had already unlocked the door. “Why not?”

You didn’t give me a chance to kiss you back, Shin wished to say. “Now my hair is uneven because of you, stupid.”

Hiyori made a low ‘pfffft’ sound at that. He took a step out of the classroom, stopped, and looked back at his friend.

“Well, I do have something to confess…”

Shin swallowed. Feeling his heart threaten to stop beating, he asked, “what?”

Hiyori smiled. It was— different, but he still looked like a bastard. It was probably perpetual.

He looked away, getting ready to walk again. “I don’t know how to cut hair.”

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