Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Incarnation · 6mo

Is requesting an outfit swap/outfit change possible. I believe if it's within the ORV fandom then it's understandable. But if, let's say I'd want an orv character to wear an outfit found in a different piece of media(Valorant/Genshin etc)., would it be considered a crossover? Or is that within the limits of what can be requested?

Hi! Yes you can request crossovers and other fandom AUs of ORV characters, we do have creators who would be happy to do such prompts :) A prompt of an ORV character wearing a Valorant/Genshin outfit is definitely very much allowed! Just make sure to also include a reference image for the outfit just in case our artists would like to have a reference. Thank you!

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