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Anonymous · 3y

im not sure if you’ve been asked this before (u probably have) but what are your favourite Taylor swift songs? or Taylor songs that remind you of johnten? :D

hiiii omg

fav taylor songs is HARD i … love so much of her music so much lol ok

i have the vague recollection of someone asking me abt johnten tswift songs but i dont remember and i dont mind answering again! also sorry these lists are so long hdjsks

johnten faves: holy ground, gold rush, you are in love, new year’s day, delicate, king of my heart, invisible string, dress, willow, treacherous, it’s nice to have a friend, call it what you want, message in a bottle

personal faves: cruel summer, paper rings, don’t blame me, delicate, dress, clean, wonderland, long live, ours, the 1 , my tears ricochet, invisible string, forever & always , champagne problems, tis the damn season, tolerate it, treacherous, atw10, stay stay stay, the very first night

also for johnten taylor songs may i recommend maeve (twt: @/bassbotics)’s playlist: it has more i didnt mention!

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