Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

kitten · 6mo

Listen,,,i have feelings about Law being a scrawny scronkly guy for most of his life due to his hard upbringing/past and him finally gaining a layer of chub when him and luffy are together 👀 even better is how chunky he gets when he gets preggy

YESSSSS. big big big head canon of mine too!!! omg kinda chubby law would be so cute. luffy would love the squish and play with his belly. when they fuck doffy style luffy loves seeing the belly hang down. but ooo law finally taking care of himself, enjoying life. something as simple as eating and actually letting himself enjoy a meal rather than see it as survival or something boring means a lot to me. i want law to fall in love with life again.

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