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kitten · 6mo

Law singing a lullaby thinking Luffy is sleeping and gets shy/defensive when Luffy asks about it. And when defeated, admits that it was Lami's favorite lullaby from Flevance that his parents taught him, singing it makes him feel closer to them. And Luffy now asks Law to teach it to him, in return, Luffy teaches Law his favorite lullaby of Foosha.

oh…this actually reminds me of a fic. idk the name but law taught him his native language from flevance. law didn’t understand why luffy wanted to learn a dead language but he wanted to do it for law….god. I love this idea though. law revealing times of actual happiness from his childhood is so so sweet and soft. i wonder if law would need to sing it for luffy whenever he has nightmares about ace or law needing it because of cora and losing his family. i like lawlu where they both have issues and comfort each other 🩷

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