ˇ⠀⠀Sinner⠀⠀⁺ · 16d

Thinks really hard... What kind of music do you listen to the most? (^▽^ )

⠀*⠀ I listen to what My Best Friend likes to call Youtube–Tutorial–Music (⠀Alan Walker ﹠ TheFatRat come to mind⠀) ﹠ Whatever Bad Apple I'm obsessed for the week ╱Silly.⠀ I'm actually not sure If I'm able to give a description of what music I listen to the most.⠀ Right Now, I've been listening to a lot of Vocaloid ﹠ The occasional Rio Romeo or K/DA (⠀I was curious of How Their music after Not listening to Them in so long sorry⠀)⸺But I'm also.⠀ Just not very sure of This LOL I'm so sorry, My Mind is mushy.

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