Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

🕸️ · 9mo

Hi kak, since you seems like to go to GI frequently- can you suggest me good places (eat, hang out, etc) there? :>

Family Mart (tetep nomor satu). If you like or can be able to eat Malatang or Mix Soup, you have to try You Ma You La! And the best Jjampong in town, Taeyang Sung (sebenernya mau gatekeep tp gpp soalnya enak). Oh penasaran sama Basque Cheesecake Brulee Ice Creamnya Fragments x ACAII sepertinya enak (sblm ini keluar juga udah penasaran sama Fragments), dan sisanya boleh coba Don Bakeshop, KOI, Coco Ichibanya, Endorphins, Châteraisé. Kalo ada yang aku inget lagi, nanti aku tambahin di reply ya!

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