Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 6mo

just imagine mnho making these hell, flx andnho can have a little cath themed pastry shop or cafe and have these... JUST IMAGINE

YEAHHH cat themed pastry shop omfg... ok wait minho cafe owner lix pastry chef seungmin newly hired barista... innie can be there too let's do a cuties dorm cafe.... OK WAIT X2 seungmin as the customer who comes in and criticizes minho's shitty coffee until minho gets fed up and goes if ur so particular make it urself!!! and seungmin's like FINE. let me use ur espresso machine. and then he makes two and gives one to minho and minho takes one sip and is like. (reluctantly) are u looking for a job

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