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Anonymous Coward · 2y

wondering what marsya's kinks are? also what are they like with pyrroh in bed 👀

heads up that pyrsya won't come up like at all except critically here bc they are an exploration of codependence in a mentally abusive relationship and aren't meant to be romanticized as a ship!

i will discuss marsya herself tho; her kinks are orgasm denial, bloodplay, hypnotism play, overstimulation, and slow tantric sex.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

ngl i love the way u draw cum mot even in a sexual sense its just rlly good 😭

FNDNS THANK YOU SM cum is one my fave part of drawing nsfw, drippy shapes are just really fun WHOOPS

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Have you thought about opening NSFW commissions sometime?? Love your art!

tysm!! i have been thinkin abt it, it won’t be for a bit since i’m taking a break and gotta figure out prices but i’d like to open a few slots sometime 🤭

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