Anonymous Coward · 2mo

what would your ideal gacha game be?

Arknights comes pretty close. Good art,story,music. Different game modes where different units can shine. Gameplay is not 100% autobattle waiting, it rewards quick thinking and has character kits for more active style gameplay like trap masters and fast redeploys. Decent pity system and gacha currency income. Would be way better with a way to skip grinding for materials, since auto-battle is only fun for me to rewatch a team comp play out. Base system totally tedious and could do without. Would wish for more furries too and less waifu-pandering but I get it.

It's actually frustrating that I am actually describing AFKJourney in a way, but its gameplay isn't very stimulating for me, and I generally don't enjoy gachas where Pay2Win is real (since it has leaderboards.)

Honestly there's not really an ideal gacha, if you want a good one, it ends up turning into just deckbuilder rougelike or something haha. I just like getting play different kinds of characters, really.

PS: excited for ZZZ

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