Anonymous Baby · 7d

Pink, since you're read wetsand and ian stan, i just want you be carefull with account name @/tinyhsoo and @/sakuramoments (both are jo stan, probably their circle attack everyone in ws fandom). Both accounts attack me and my fellow ian stan with anonim or fake accounts in my twitter just because my circle ian stan (only) want him end up alone. Like im nobody, i gave my opinion on my personal space without using tag, and still got attack. Even my friend got attack by curious cat, then found out those two accounts running a lot of fake/anonim accounts. This wetsand fandom really crazy. Like how can one person has more than 5 accounts just to attack someone 🫠. They're so nasty attack real people over a pixel 🥲.

Whoa whoa whoa thank you for the heads ups! And I'm really sorry that happened to you 🥺 it sucks we can't just freely share opinions without being harassed for it.

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