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kavelou liker · 6mo

What do you think Nilou or Kaveh listen to??

in terms of music... that's an interesting question. i definitely think they both would like classical instrumental (especially if persian) music but in terms of something more modern i think nilou definitely likes songs that are upbeat and dance-y! think barbie soundtrack, maybe. as for kaveh, i feel like he would like something very sad and very romantic... cough... like the smiths. also the thought of nilou listening to very aggressive music is funny to me so i like this idea too (nu metal loving nilou??? i'll take two) but really as someone who likes a lot of very different kinds of music everytime i think about something from my own playlist and apply it to them i will always go "omg that makes sense!!!" but they both are people who appreciate artistry so i think their tastes will have a big range 🤔

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