Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

kavelou liker · 4mo

kavelou having a whole zoo (desert foxes, simulanka animals, occasional swoof...) is so funny to me

hsjskskjs for sure!!! they attract animals like crazy but they're also super cute with them... like the way nilou acts with gata (confirmed fav animal. swoof im so sorry.) and that short with kaveh wanting to build a house for stray kitties? they're so cute. i love how both of them have this little squad of three animals (3 foxes for kaveh + padisarah, almond and stream for nilou). i can imagine how chaotic it will get if you put them in one place. and i like the idea a lot! i always thought they would have an animal together. im thinking a dog... maybe even multiple. but they might just bring another random wild animal home if that makes them happy

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