S. Elakshi

A muse to the cinematic canvas.

Musée du Louvre
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Anonymous · 9d

Udah lamaaaa banget merhatiin akun kamu, tapi masih amaze aja sama postingannya. Kok bisa sih.... cakep banget?

Anonymous · 1mo

do you perhaps set your eyes on someone lately?

Anonymous · 6mo

hei, kecil. how was your holiday so far?

i'm 5'10" dont call me kecil *marah. my holiday was fantastic. enjoyed pursuing hobbies and quality family time. how about you?

Anonymous · 7mo

😂😂😂😂 Semuanya lucu.

Anonymous · 7mo

makin lucu. mabok lama-lama.

Anonymous · 7mo

for sure. but you said lucu is a bad thing karena cuman dijadiin temen. but still, i wanna keep calling you 'lucu'. have a nice day, lucu.

oh, that was just a joke. no need to take it seriously. thanks for calling me 'lucu,' it's an honor that people see me that way even though i'm not sure how i can be called 'lucu' hehehe. anyway, have a nice day too.

Anonymous · 7mo

kakakkk, keren betul. kok bisa sih nemu aja foto lukisan yang emang mirip sama foto hanbin yang kakak upload. kereenn! kakak kenapa tuh bisa suka lukisan lukisan gitu? aku gak berani ajak ngobrol langsung hehe, ngobrol disini gapapaa tah?

karena Sung Hanbin is the "art" itself gak sih? makanya gampang juga nemu painting yang mirip hahaha (padahal penuh effort juga nyarinya gemetaran). kenapa bisa suka painting, maybe because painting pushes me to reach deeper into my imagination and my soul. it lets me slip into someone else's mind, providing a connection to something i didn't know before. i can see their observations and thoughts about the same things we encounter every day in a new way. btw, kenapa gak berani ngobrol langsung?

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