Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Omg wait, loser lesbian hj whos been yearning for years and thinks women are just being nice when theyre flirting vs sh whos been flirting with her for years. The rest just has to suffer thru them being idiots. The question is whod be the one to just say fuck it and stage an Intervention for them lol (sincerely, the same anon as the prev loser lesbian hj)

(I figured it was you. Thank you for coming back)

I feel for sh's struggle but everyone else seems to have it worse 😭 just imagine super jealous sh watching as someone tries to flirt with Hj at s lesbian bar but everyone else is like "baby, calm down, Hj doesn't even know she's being flirted with"
I think wan would stage an intervention bc they're too tired of watching Hj be a girlfailure

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