Anonymous Coward · 27d

yaoi wars have big l4bru accounts calling mithrun an old ugly dog that needs to be put down and as a SA victim that crode reading his story i cant help but let it make me hate the ship tbh

same with the way some people talk about his disability, too!! i have no stake in yaoi wars bc its a Two Cakes situation for me but i can't rlly blame anyone for growing distasteful for a ship based off of its fans and vice-versa. i remember joking that im so glad theres no competitive yuri for falin and marcille bc the idea of yuri wars from new fans made me wanna blow my brains out.

i was really disappointed when i found out what a lot of people (outside my social circle) meant when they were talking about the whole "kabumisu fans water down kabru to his live-in nurse" topic.

i thought it was about the flanderization in the fan content, like literally drawing kabru as a maid or ignoring his actual career (since it involves laios)... and the sort of icky implications some fan content has with kabru as a man of color in mind. but i guess for a lot of people it's about their CANON dynamic? reading shit like "who would wanna date someone they have to take care of etc etc" like whoa whoaaaaa omfg let's pack it up!!!! he's disabled, both physically and from his PTSD.

kabru wasn't thrilled to suddenly be put in that position with a stranger at first, but he didn't hate it either. especially after asking mithrun to explain his issues so he knew what was wrong and how to help. he seemed earnestly happy at points when seeing mithrun healing or listening to his commands. one scene that really stuck out to me was when kabru made him a dish from his hometown instead of the elven food he was forced to adapt to once he was "adopted." it was a gesture he seemed genuinely happy to be able to do again and particularly be able to share with someone else.

that is when i started to really like the ship myself! seemed sweet and reminded me of some friendships i've had over the years. so to talk about mithrun like some sick dog who needs to DIE and he's EVIL for needing a care-taker... just an absolutely vile thing to say!!!!!

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