Anonymous Coward · 26d

Who are your fav Dragon Age characters :3

forgot to answer this. morrigan, leliana, fenris, merrill, zevran, alistair, sera, celene (i need to study her in a jar)... i rotate all of these ones in my mind so much. there are few (main) characters i dislike. besides oghren, i love the whole dao party. same with da2, except sebastian because i don't know him lol.

i like the dai companions, although it's hard to get attached to the ones i'm not obsessed with since i think dai struggles to have that group chemistry between party members.

i also like marian+garrett. the hawkes are interesting since to me, i don't treat them like an insert character at all. they feel independent, so i view them like another little guy in the story whose dialogue i happen to choose, ykwim?

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