pasokon · 8 answers · 4mo

whats a headcanon of your fav character that you're so attached to that you forget that its just a headcanon and its not actually legit

i hc miruko as lesbian so aggressively that every time i see her getting shipped romantically with a male character i get legitimate whiplash

i always forget mao isara is a MAN like she is literally a girl ... also just most of my hcs for enstars I swear

Autistic Medkit... that headcanon has brought me so much comfort that I'm just like wait what. What do you mean thats not real. What do you mean I made it up are you serious.

me personally i forgot the entire enstars cast are mostly men and not actually he/him butch lesbians like i genuinely forgot mika was a man. A MAN. i dont believe it and i dont want to believe it she is just the cutest girl to me IDC IDC

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