Anonymous Reader · 2y

moot(s) you can’t go a day without talking to:
moot(s) you’d like to check their brain & examine:
moot(s) who you’d defend always:
moot(s) good for banter:
moot(s) who would burn down the kitchen:
moot(s) who would probably be tone deaf:
moot(s) good for flirting with platonically:

  1. chione, red, kyo, & so much more
  2. lemme check fae's brain bc fae's aus are a gift ✨
  3. literally most of them & esp. those i've added in priv
  4. red & kyo AHAHAHA
  5. uhh im not sure, i dont think they would since we rlly need to survive & eat 😂
  6. no one, its yjh as tone deaf hehe
  7. kyo 😘

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