
i'm cool

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ask me something silly about my OCs!! please!! things that aren't necessarily questions & more just ideas are appreciated but IDK how to answer them


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society · 5h

(cont. of the collaborative art question) whiteboard fox or aggie is pretty good cus ppl can draw in real time on thos

i looked into the prospect of a collaborative drawing activity, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any that both function well & also persist between sessions, though I guess a temporary one is better than nothing

society · 12h

Hey I need a seat, is your face available

society · 17h

which scp do you want to kiss

society · 15h

heh. heheh. hey what if. denksNAVEL. heh

i think he would look pretty good with a dumb fat outie, mostly because there's No room on that bird for an innie

society · 1d

you like talking birds even when they're basically just a red rectangle

if you don't think this thing is kissable I don't know what you're doing here, this is peak.

society · 1d

Would you let a smeargle Sketch all over your catgirl ass.

i mean I'd be pretty flustered and huffy about it but if it was showing for long enough for them to do so maybe they've earned it.

society · 1d

She might be madd… but is she angry?

make no mistake, my name is not Madd as in "angry" but Madd as in "batshit insane"

society · 1d

Are wrinklers given a definitive size? If not how big do YOU think they should be (and how big should they get after being fed)

i don't think they do, but I like to imagine they're roughly the size of a human guy, maybe a bit wider. and I think they should get roughly the size of a truck

society · 4d

hi are you renting out the insides of veecee’s buttcheeks

no but you're welcome to use them for free. as long as you bring your library card

society · 2d

will u ever do another cool collaborative thing like the world of text or ur artbox

i love doing stupidass collaborative things unfortunately artbox has stopped functioning & my world of text has been a bit crowded. that being said if anyone knows of silly co-operative websites I'd love to hear

society · 4d

hi im the anon who asked if you like lobotomy corp.. do you have any drawings of any of the abnormalities 😇

I've done a couple but they're mostly OLD and EMBARRASSING TO LOOK AT. all of my modern LC art is. uh. mostly of Nothing There, my beautiful beloved beast. BUT I PROMISE I'LL DRAW THE VORE WOLF AGAIN AT SOME POINT I SWEAR!!!! I PROMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

society · 5d

do you like Lobotomy Corporation. asking for research purposes

understandable that you may have to ask this, however, You have to understand, liking that game is literally 95% od my personality

society · 5d

Veecee should wear more collars tbh, very good pet who deserves a treat...

like, more often? or more at once? because either way, VERY stylish, very good boy

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