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ask me something silly about my OCs!! please!! things that aren't necessarily questions & more just ideas are appreciated but IDK how to answer them


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society · 3h

could i trust veecee with 1tb of pirated movies from the 80s and 90s…

yes! They'll be nice and safe in him, stuck somewhere in the fold(er)s of his insides... good luck watching them, though.

society · 3h

veecees favorite food to get fat about?

there's nothing he loves to eat more than Technology, of all sorts. he likes phones & handhelds for their ease of swallowing, but he LOVES huge, old, chunky tech, and he WILL choke it down

society · 4h

My 1st Creepyasta: Veecee ate nuclear candy bar that turned him green... BUT THERE WERE NUTS IN IT

society · 4h

Do you think the yoshi(species) think mario is hot. Collectively.

you know I seriously doubt it but at the same time why else would they have an instinct to let him ride

society · 5h

turn into a obese burpy furry woman or get 3 billiojn dollars

heh... you failed to consider the intricate nuances of my gender So now you have to give me 3 billiojn dollars

society · 21h

istg i've seen a drawing you made before where c.j. ate flick and didnt notice it and i've been searching it for forever, is it real

i think you might be confused because I've made MANY drawings of flick eating c.j. but I don't think I've ever drawn it the other way around

society · 3d

So uh. Weird question but what inanimate objects would you want to be ate by?

any sort of chunky technology like phones and PCs are pretty good- i like anything with drawers/doors that bulge out when they're full of prey? and I'm OBSESSED with drinky birds

society · 3d

Would you fuck an icecream that dropped on the floor (quoting oneyplays here)

I could fuck a falling icecream before it even hit the floor. With my eyes closed and arms behind my back

society · 9d

but u have to. be my girlfriend!!
snickers nefariously thinks to self/'man, if this works, Ill get this cute girl to be my girifriend and I'll ride the cool roller coasters! c'mon, luck be a lady tonight!" crosses fingers and gulps s-so... adjusts collar and looks firmly* what do you say to my proposal? waits patiently

picks you up in my hands and grips your entire body firmly in my grasp until youre a fine powder

society · 12d

M4-DD I gotta say, you don't look like you handle well, I mean You're front wheels are so much smaller than your back wheels, that's really gonna affect your turning speed and radius

rolling up my non-existent sleeves why don't you say that to my FACE buddy, HOT SHOT

society · 13d

If you think vehicles are so fuckable, list your top ten most fuckable trains, cars and trams from your favorite media then

society · 12d

So I was playing A Hat in Time and uhh the Conductor 😳 and I was fighting him and he got on all fours, ass up and 💦💦💦 (please tell me you feel the same)

i actually fought dj grooves so I wouldn't have to hurt my beautiful husband The Conductor but i have to be entirely honest if I knew he was on that good boy type shit then maybe I wouldhave reconsidered

society · 13d

Hey M4-DD is driving down my street thats so sick look at the-OH NO! M4-DD THERES A PERSON WITH AN OPEN MAW IN FRONT OF YOU!!! WATCH OUT!!!

society · 13d

if M4-DD got turned into a gull boy like her namesake would gull M4-DD be like a tricycle or some other embarrassingly small vehicle

when you get into crossing my weird TF ideas things get a bit complicated. That being said.......

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