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anonnnnn · 1y

whats this thing with b50 and xinyang i truly don’t understand if it has anything to do with them selling the cp

tbh xyyz’s reply to zx’s letter for her birthday kind of implied that they have become distant and that they have to sometimes find each other to talk

it’s really annoying that people have to constantly question their dynamic i mean let them be at the end of the day only one of them ends up getting criticised they’re inching 30…

idk whats with the thing about b50 and xy. is there a new thing i dont know about? i thought everyone was kinda looking forward to b50 (cp wise) for them.

its implied (or even very directly mentioned) in zx's letter as well. i think its inevitable if they are both busy. my interpretation of it is that yang knows and respects zx is a free soul and now shes hanging out with other ppl a lot more that can provide her with that almost instant emotional response.

i agree. i really don't understand why they are always under this kind of pressure. whether it be from "fans" or others. they will solve it and even if they dont its not exactly our spot to judge? as if in any relationship, whether it be friendship or beyond that, the dynamic doesn't change and they don't need to adapt and evolve around each other. idk why theres so much hate smh.

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