Pee Bottle · 1y

God that allows the cult that formed around them to hang around because they think they’re cute, funky little guys who’re also really devoted to getting them off. Refers to them as “little lambs” and schedules group cuddles.

MY FAVORITE EXCUSE FOR AN HAREM TBH!!! gotta love a god that is just a very silly guy looking for some snuggles who just so happens to have vast magical powers to provide a good life for all his little lamb beloveds ~♡ orgies were a thing a first as offering but everybody was too greedy for the god so now it makes sense everything it's scheduled and there's harem rotations and impregnanting nights for a lucky one worshipper chosen at random (which it's always ok cuz they will give birth to energy that'll eventually gain a physical form, so everybody's can have a chance) BUT YEAH love love love a wholesome entity who's very protective and caring for his followers ♡♡♡

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