Pee Bottle · 1y

Exchanged some nudes for the first time in a year (or two 😵‍💫) and hes a twink, smooth skin and shaves often (im a hairy hunk) he made me feel so hot and bothered today, praising me and being sweet, i gotta ask how can i get back at him
Plot twist! Hes a strict top and im the switch

BELOVED??? things are going good, KEEP IT UP AND AVOID ASKING STRANGERS IN THE INTERNET FOR ADVICE PLS AJAJAKAKANAKALAJSBSJAKABJAKAKSJSBSJANAJAKAJSJSKAKSJSKSKSNSJSHS but yeah honesty it's always key, make yourself comfortable and that's it BUT BE CAREFUL and baby steps pls, we never know if hannibal lecter reincarnated as a twink

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