Pee Bottle Β· 1y

BWHAHAHAH oh no hes fine ive known him for a while he kept sending some horny innuendos on a discord server i told him if wants to see some he better be direct about it (to my surprise he did LOL) i just wanted to know if you have any ideas on how i can captivate him with this hole (also dont threaten me with a good time madds mikkelssen the cuntiest c*nnibal out there he could k word and est me up any time πŸ‘)

you're doing good baby, try not to overthink things too much, the real test always is how things go irl and if the chemistry happens SO GOOD LUCK πŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ’•βœ¨οΈ and for the live of god hannibal sliced a poor detective in pieces and put her on display, got another hoe holding on to his guts not to bleed out, got his bf framed and jumped off a cliff with him both with chonks and chonks of skin and meat missing 😭 PLS REAVALUATE YOUR CRUSHES AJSBSJAKAJAJAKA πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

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